
Towards the end of January, we were privileged to have a group of young guys from Athens, GA who spent a week with us shooting video and testimonies of the work being done here at the Oasis. This video will be used to help promote and share our ministry with current and potential supporters. You will not regret the 7 minutes it takes to watch this. It shares the Oasis in a way that I could never explain with words.

One thought on “Video

  1. Nora,
    I am so proud of you and your service. This video is amazing. I am so weak with emotions when it comes to children.Just watching that
    young girl twist her hands back and forth while speaking of her issues was so heartbreaking. Yet her little heart was so willing to forgive her Dad and
    pray that God would touch his life. overwhelmed is an overstatement. Children are always seeking that matter how badly they have been treated.
    Praying for these young girls to learn the love of our God and how He can heal that brokenness. I am so happy to be a part of this Oasis.
    Nancy Griffin

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