A Day to Celebrate

Have I expressed how much I love this ministry? If I haven’t, let me just tell you now- I love this ministry. 

Not only are little girls being rescued from dangerous and abusive situations, but they are being introduced to the gospel and to the only one who can bring peace, forgiveness, and purpose to their lives. The conviction with which these girls follow after Jesus is humbling and inspiring.

In December, we held a special service for our girls that have made the decision to follow Christ since coming to the Oasis, but had not participated in baptism. We let the girls make the decision to participate and they attended a number of gatherings beforehand to make sure they fully understood what they were doing.

21 girls were baptized. Take a moment to truly think about that. Twenty-one. 21 broken and traumatized lives that our Savior is piecing back together for His glory and their good. 21 new creations. 21 adopted daughters of the King and sisters in Christ. 21 new witnesses of the gospel to their moms, sisters, brothers, and friends. 21 girls who can offer forgiveness to their abusers because they have been forgiven as well.

Our God is good, and He is good ALL the time. There aren’t words to describe what a privilege it is to watch these hurting girls turn into shining examples of God’s love and mercy.

If they can have such peace, such love, such passion- then what is my excuse?




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